

The main objective of this project is to highlight the importance of theatre as an educational tool for young people,
developing new techniques that help to work on different values of the personality of the participants.

One of the priorities we want to work on is the importance of diversity, of knowing and respecting different cultures, for this we will use the representation of different legends of the countries or cities of the participating organisations, which will help to discover some of the characteristics and curiosities of each place, together with the transnational experiences that will be developed. We believe that putting young people in direct contact with other cultures is the best way to make them reflect on how to achieve a more inclusive, respectful and egalitarian society. Moreover, it is a very good opportunity to work on their knowledge of foreign languages, as they will carry out the workshops and communicate using English as a common language.

We want to develop a guide with the methodology to be applied in all the workshops that we will carry out within our project, this methodology will allow us to approach different theatrical techniques and different fields of interpretation with people who are starting out and have little or no experience in the world of theatre, such as improvisation, vocalisation and use of the voice, corporal expression, memorisation, etc. The intention of this manual is to put at the service of those who teach theatre a large amount of information, compiled and organised to support the development of a theatre workshop for young people, strengthening the acquisition of artistic and expressive content for the integral formation of each participant and establishing an appropriate and interesting form of intervention for them. In this document we will bring together different methodological proposals, as well as the experience accumulated in the years of experience of the partner organisations.

We will also carry out, to close the workshops of the project, two final performances and staging that will consist of theatrical shows made by all the participants where everything learned during the workshops will be shown and that will also serve as part of the dissemination of the project.

The activities we will carry out will be:
• Development of the Guide
• Two transnational activities

With this project we expect the following results:
• Create an intercultural dialogue and make young people reflect on diversity and inclusion.
• To systematise the process of designing and creating theatre workshops for youth and to collect good practices from
existing workshops.
• To bring theatre closer to young people and promote its use as an educational tool.
• To develop the creative capacities of the participants.
• To work on education in values through theatre.